Embrace Your Emotions

with Breathwork, Movement & Creativity

Work with Clémentine


The ideal choice if you want personalized guidance through a specific process and that is tailored to your goals & lifestyle.


Join our in person transformative experiences to find connection, alignment and community. You do not have to do this alone and come home filled of love frequency.


Begin your wellness journey with full access to our beginner friendly live sessions. Release tension and reconnect to your inner joy.

  • Do you want to know more about yourself?

  • Do you need to slow down & be more present?

  • Are you ready to move through your limitations and trust your process?

Breathwork &

Integration coaching

  • Process your emotions

  • Release limiting beliefs

  • Gain greater self awareness

  • Access insights and creative juice

  • Build resilience

  • Get personalised attention

🍃Not sure it's for you?

  • No previous experience required

  • Empowered to trust your intuition

  • Lying down on your back to relax your respiratory muscles

  • Access deeper parts of yourself with ease and kindness

What my clients say

Her ability to hold space, explain the physiologic and spiritual benefits of breath work, and provide integration after the session was unparalleled. This session set the tone for the entire vacation, and helped me to clear blocks on my path of personal development!”

— Judy (USA)


“Clementine led us through a wonderful breathwork session combined with several other modalities that she selected intuitively based on the group. It was potent and powerful. I left feeling inspired, uplifted, and deeply present. Clem is a gem of a facilitator. She is intuitive, deeply knowledgeable, wise, and she radiates kindness.”

— Dan (USA)


“I have attended many of Clémentine's classes and a retreat, it has had a profound impact on my health and well-being. I am more at peace, connected to my body and heart. I feel joy, more alive and got my power back!”

— Kristina (Sweden)


“I left the session feeling so calm and my head was a lot clearer, ready to start a busy week.”

— Eve (UK)
