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Transformational Breathwork Ceremony (Online)

Uncover the Wonders of Conscious Connected Breathing.

Welcome to a journey of self-discovery and well-being!

In a world filled with chaos and distractions, this ancient and simple breathing technique offers you to tap into your subconscious. This practice isn't just about inhaling and exhaling; it's a gateway to releasing tension and unlocking emotions that may be holding you back.

But what exactly is Conscious Connected Breathing?

It's more than just a breathing technique; it's an intentional dance with your breath, seamlessly connecting inhales and exhales without missing a beat. Imagine a deep, continuous flow of breath that floods your system with oxygen, revitalizing your connection with the subconscious and unlocking the potential to process blocked emotions and stagnant energy.

90 mins group session for £28


Here's why incorporating breathwork into your routine is a game-changer:

  • Stress Reduction: Chronic stress can take a toll on your health. Breathwork activates the body's relaxation response, reducing cortisol levels and promoting a sense of calm.

  • Improved Mental Clarity: Oxygen is fuel for the brain. By optimizing your breathing patterns, you enhance cognitive function, sharpen focus, and boost mental clarity.

  • Enhanced Energy Levels: Deep, intentional breathing increases oxygen flow, invigorating your body and providing a natural energy boost without the need for caffeine or stimulants.

  • Better Sleep: Establishing a mindful breathing practice can help regulate your nervous system, promoting better sleep quality and duration.

  • Emotional Balance: Breathwork provides a pathway to process and release emotions, fostering emotional resilience and balance.

  • Personal Growth: Access altered state of consciousness and gain insights to support your evolution.

No prior experience in breathwork is necessary. Come as you are, with an open heart and a curious spirit. The journey we embark on today is rooted in understanding the tangible, transformative effects of breathwork.

Clémentine will walk you through each step, providing unwavering support and guidance throughout the session. Our journey together will consist of:

🌸 Opening Circle: We start by forming a circle, uniting our energies and intentions. This space is a platform to share, connect, and set intentions for the physiological changes you wish to experience.

📜 Introduction to the Practice: Your guide will introduce you to the ancient and powerful practice of conscious connected breathing. You'll learn how this simple yet profound practice can optimize your breath, enhance oxygenation, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being.

45 Minutes of Continued Conscious Connected Breathing: This is where the core of our session lies. You'll explore how conscious breathing can improve your physiological health with the rhythm of music. Your guide will ensure you feel safe and supported as you delve into your breath's potential.

🌀Integration: We'll share our experiences, insights, and gratitude for the physiological transformation we've undergone.

90 mins group session for £28


If you are new to breathing with Clémentine, we invite you to fill in this form prior the session so she knows a little more about your health: breathworkform

July 19

Transformational Breathwork Ceremony (Online)

September 1

Transformational Breathwork Ceremony (Online)