Meaningful Holidays

Filtering by: “Embodiment”

Kristina, Interior Designer, May 2023

“I have attended many of Clémentine's classes and a retreat, it has had a profound impact on my health and well-being. I am more at peace, connected to my body and heart. I feel joy, more alive and got my power back!”

Robin, Author, Dec 2022

“I experienced release and powerful insights throughout the weekend, which have changed my life for the better.

Jasper, SoulKitchen Podcast Speaker, March 2023

“A Dream Experience! An eclectic combination of outer and inner journeys, excitement and relaxation, music and play.”

Noe, Cancer Research, Aug 2021

“I am so HAPPY I went on this retreat. I have met GENUINE nice people with whom I keep in touch. And to have taken myself out of my comfort zone in terms of dabbing into art and dance and music, but I chipped away a little of the wall I have up blocking my CREATIVE side.”


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